Day 17

Day Seventeen: The Dynamite Trio: Praying, Fasting & Giving
In Matthew 6, Jesus lists three actions that are duties of every Christian:
“When you pray…when you fast…when you give…”.
At AGC, we call these three actions, praying, fasting and giving, the dynamite trio. When practiced together, they have effects like dynamite!
Have you prayed about something, but nothing has changed? This dynamite trio can create such a blast that things have to change in your life.
The disciples faced something like this in Matthew 17:21 when a father brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples. With his son being suicidal, this father was desperate for breakthrough.
The disciples were unable to help him, however but Jesus intervened and the boy was delivered.
When the disciples questioned Jesus why they could not cure the boy, Jesus explained to them this type of breakthrough required prayer with fasting.
Many people have coupled fasting with prayer for breakthrough in areas of their lives that seem to hold them in chains.
Do you have an issue in your life from which you cannot seem to break free of?
During the remaining days of the fast, take that issue to God in prayer daily as you complete the fast. You may be surprised at the freedom the fast can bring in this area.
So, what about giving?
For some Christians, giving is more of a sacrifice than fasting.
Giving requires us to release something into God’s hands for His purposes.
It costs us something—just like fasting.
When we yield our will to serve God, our flesh quietens so God’s blessings can flow.
Jesus explained in Luke 6:38 that when we give, we will receive even to an overflowing amount.
But, the first step is to give.
At the end of each fast at AGC, we receive an offering of the first fruits to give you a chance to complete putting the dynamite trio into action in your life.
Prayerfully consider what you should give.
In Matthew 6, Jesus lists three actions that are duties of every Christian:
“When you pray…when you fast…when you give…”.
At AGC, we call these three actions, praying, fasting and giving, the dynamite trio. When practiced together, they have effects like dynamite!
Have you prayed about something, but nothing has changed? This dynamite trio can create such a blast that things have to change in your life.
The disciples faced something like this in Matthew 17:21 when a father brought his demon-possessed son to the disciples. With his son being suicidal, this father was desperate for breakthrough.
The disciples were unable to help him, however but Jesus intervened and the boy was delivered.
When the disciples questioned Jesus why they could not cure the boy, Jesus explained to them this type of breakthrough required prayer with fasting.
Many people have coupled fasting with prayer for breakthrough in areas of their lives that seem to hold them in chains.
Do you have an issue in your life from which you cannot seem to break free of?
During the remaining days of the fast, take that issue to God in prayer daily as you complete the fast. You may be surprised at the freedom the fast can bring in this area.
So, what about giving?
For some Christians, giving is more of a sacrifice than fasting.
Giving requires us to release something into God’s hands for His purposes.
It costs us something—just like fasting.
When we yield our will to serve God, our flesh quietens so God’s blessings can flow.
Jesus explained in Luke 6:38 that when we give, we will receive even to an overflowing amount.
But, the first step is to give.
At the end of each fast at AGC, we receive an offering of the first fruits to give you a chance to complete putting the dynamite trio into action in your life.
Prayerfully consider what you should give.
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